Your Health is Your Greatest Wealth: Don’t Waste Anymore Time

goals gut health health mental health wealth Aug 18, 2024

"Your health is your greatest wealth." This simple truth feels more relevant now than ever before. In a world where healthcare systems are completely failing us, chronic illnesses are becoming more common (even in our children!), and daily life is filled with stress, it's clear that taking care of our health is not just important—it's essential.

For many of us, the healthcare system often feels more reactive than proactive. Instead of focusing on prevention and overall well-being, it tends to address symptoms and offer quick “fixes”, completely overlooking the deeper causes of our health issues and leaving us even more sick!! Our doctors are trained in medical schools that are funded by pharmaceutical companies so if you have ever left the doctor with a prescription in hand but still feeling utter confused, it's simply because they don’t know any other way.

This topic is a bit of a soap box for me so I will do my best to stay on point - however, when it comes to this, it is all interconnected. Our doctors are not properly trained to address the root cause but instead prescribe a drug to mask your symptoms.  You take that drug and have side effects.  That drug also wipes out your gut microbiome (unbeknownst to you) and now you are getting colds regularly that your immune system is unable to fight off.  You now have gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation and take another drug to mask that.

To me, the pattern is plain as day - take this drug to cover up one thing which will eventually cause another problem that you need another drug for.

According to Dr. Casey Means, 50% of the United States adults have pre-diabetes or type two diabetes.  This is a staggering statistic.  But what is more scary to me, is that most people, including our doctors, don't know what to do about it!!!   Let me say that again - our doctors don’t know what to do to help people stay away from or reverse diabetes.  Doctors are simply not trained to address root causes. 

Let me share a personal story.  When I was in high school, around my senior year, I started having back spasms.  Painful spasms that would make it difficult for me to move or function in normal life.  If these spasms hit, I would often have to miss work or class.  This went on for years.  When I was 20 I started seeing a chiropractor which helped but didn’t eliminate my pain.  Everytime a spasm hit, the doctor prescribed me valium and vicodin.  And I am no dummy, I knew that if I continued down that path I would end up addicted.  So I completely lost it on my doctors, I’m not gonna lie.  I was screaming.  I told them I wanted to know why it was happening, I didn’t want drugs. 

Needless to say, I had to take things into my own hands.  Fast forward to 2017, when I was 30 years old and still struggling with back pain when I learned about a coaching program with exercises and nutrition guidance.  I signed up. Because I wanted to lose weight, not because of my back pain.  Here is what happened. I started exercising and eating well - less sugar, less processed foods.  And my back pain dissipated. My energy level skyrocketed. As I continued on my health journey I was learning more and more about nutrition.  I was learning more and more about how big food companies (like Coca Cola) funded nutrition programs and pharma companies funded MD programs.

The reason you are sick is because of what you are putting in your mouth.  And the big companies with the big money are making it so you think you are doing the right thing.  This leaves you feeling crazy and frustrated.

In the midst of these challenges, one truth remains: food is medicine. What we eat every day has a powerful impact on our health. While the healthcare industry struggles to keep up with diseases, the real strength lies in our kitchens, gardens, and grocery stores.

Our modern diets often include too many processed foods, sugars, and unhealthy oils—ingredients that contribute to inflammation, weight gain, and chronic diseases. But just as these foods can harm us, whole, nutrient-rich foods can heal us. A diet filled with fruits, vegetables, protein, and healthy fats gives our bodies the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants they need to thrive.

By cutting back on sugar, and choosing organic, non-GMO foods when possible, we can make a significant difference in our health. These small changes can help prevent chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, and even some cancers. When we view food as medicine, we take back control of our health, reducing our dependence on a healthcare system that does not have our best interests at heart.

It might seem like investing in your health is a luxury, but the truth is, it's a necessity. The cost of neglecting your health far outweighs the investment needed to maintain it. Taking care of yourself through preventive measures, regular exercise, and a healthy diet might require time, effort, and money upfront, but these investments can save you from costly medical bills, lost wages, and, most importantly, a lower quality of life.

Think about this: the lifetime cost of managing a chronic illness can be overwhelming, running into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. On the other hand, the cost of living a healthy lifestyle—eating well and staying active —is much more manageable. And the rewards are priceless: more energy, a longer life, and the ability to enjoy each day to its fullest.

It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, putting work, obligations, and the pursuit of wealth ahead of our health. But as I have heard Tony Robbins say, "A person with their health has a thousand dreams, but without it, they have only one." Without health, all the wealth in the world means very little.

If this blog post woke you up a little bit today and reminded you and YOU have the power to take back your health, then let me remind you that you don’t need to go on this journey alone.  I know how lonely it can feel to go on this journey and have most of your friends and family just not understand.  Let’s connect so you can learn about my coaching program and together we can navigate getting your health back.  Schedule your free meeting with me to see if coaching is right for you here!

You are not crazy.  There is a better way.

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