Staying on Track During Vacation

activities balance goal goal getter goal planning goal setting health hiking mental health relaxation stress management summer vacation Jul 21, 2024

Vacations are a time to unwind, explore new places, and indulge in experiences that rejuvenate the soul. However, for many of us striving to maintain a healthy lifestyle, vacations can also pose a challenge. The temptation of decadent foods, irregular schedules, and a break from regular exercise routines can make it easy to veer off track. But fear not, with a bit of planning and mindfulness, you can enjoy your vacation to the fullest while staying true to your health goals.

I am not a legalistic type of person when it comes to my diet when I am on vacation.  Health is important to me and to me what I put in my mouth is of the most importance.  I also know that having a week where my nutrition isn’t perfect is okay.  When I go on vacation, I eat all the ice cream, clam fritters, and pancakes that I want.  My goal when I am on vacation is two fold: Balance and Enjoyment.  I don’t go so far off the deep end that it makes me sick, or feel gross or bad whether physically or mentally and I only eat things that I know will bring me joy.

I have two main tips for you to take on vacation with you that I hope will help you have both an enjoyable vacation and a healthy one!

  1. Incorporate Things That Aligns with Your Health Goals

One of the keys to staying on track during vacation is to incorporate activities or choices that align with your health goals. This doesn’t mean restricting yourself or missing out on the local cuisine; rather, it’s about finding balance. For instance, if you’re aiming to increase your physical activity, explore activities that are both fun and active. Take a walking tour of the city, go hiking in nature reserves, or try water sports like kayaking or snorkeling. These activities not only keep you moving but also enrich your vacation experience by immersing you in the local environment.

My husband and I enjoyed a bike ride on a local bike trail.

You can also just do a 30 minute youtube body weight exercise program or go for a run or walk in the neighborhood you are staying in.  Incorporating movement into each day is going to make you feel soooo good! 

If your goal is to eat healthier, seek out local markets where you can sample fresh fruits, vegetables, and regional specialties that are nutritious. Opt for grilled or steamed dishes instead of fried ones, and indulge in moderation. 

If you are renting a place where you can cook, I suggest cooking as many meals at home as possible.  Kyle and I recently rented a place on the beach which had a full kitchen a available to us.  We cooked 95% of our meals and went out only a couple of times. Last year, we went to Yellowstone National Park and the places we stayed did not have a means of cooking which meant every single meal was out.  I just did the best that I could with the choices available to me, and frankly, my body craves salads and veggies especially when I don’t have them as much.  So yes, I was the girl getting an airport salad or the beet and apple salad in a restaurant.  Shoot, just the other day I ordered a salad from a food truck!!  I for sure wasn’t perfect and I for sure enjoyed many different things.  Which brings me to my next point.

  1. Enjoy Your Vacation and Get Back on Track When You Get Home

Allow yourself to enjoy special treats and culinary experiences guilt-free. The key is moderation and mindfulness.  In June, Kyle and I did a multi-course dinner train experience. We had drinks and apps and entrees and dessert.  I was SO full when I left and it was a beautiful evening. 

Here is the thing.  There is nothing to gain in feeling guilty about your indulgences.  The week or week and a half that you are off your routine is not going to totally ruin your progress, but there is one VERY important thing to make that statement true:

Once you return home, it’s time to get back on the wagon. Transitioning back to your regular healthy habits as soon as possible is the key here.  I’m not going to lie, sometimes my vacation nutrition lingers a few days, but not more than that. It might be that we brought home a pie with us or something like that, or in the case of this last vacation, it led right into my birthday so there were more yummy indulgences to be had!

I always try to make my meal plan while traveling home from vacation whether it's on the plane or in the car while hubby drives.  Having a plan for when I return home makes it so much easier to be right back on the wagon.  Plan nutritious meals, schedule workout sessions, and just get back at it!!  No excuses.  Do not allow your beautiful, wonderful vacation to totally throw you off course.  Get home, and get right back to your healthy routine.  

This was a simple and delicious salad that I made the day after my birthday and just a few days after we returned from vacation.  Back at it baby!

Remember, staying on track with your health goals during vacation is about finding a balance between enjoying yourself and maintaining your well-being. By incorporating activities that align with your goals and embracing the spirit of moderation, you can have a fulfilling vacation while nurturing your health. So go ahead, explore, indulge, and return home feeling refreshed both physically and mentally.

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